Our experienced dentists and team are committed to providing quality dental care in a friendly and welcoming environment. When you visit Willett Dental Associates, you can expect to receive treatments tailored to your individual needs and for our team to put you and your smile first. We are dedicated to helping you achieve excellent oral health and a beautiful smile. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Kent Willett or Dr. Jenna Miller and learn more about comprehensive dentistry in Columbia, Missouri, and surrounding areas. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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Our Featured Services

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Our caring dentists provide oral conscious sedation to help you manage anxiety and feel at ease in our office. Call today to learn more!

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Implant dentistry in Columbia, Missouri, can give you back a healthy smile! Schedule your consultation to find out if you are a candidate for implants.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Interested in improving your smile? Call today to make an appointment with our dentists and learn how cosmetic dentistry can benefit you!

Facial Aesthetics

Facial Aesthetics

We offer facial aesthetics to smooth wrinkles and create fuller lips, as well as relieve jaw pain. Schedule an appointment today!


Welcome to Willett Dental Associates! Our friendly team of dental professionals provide comprehensive dentistry in Columbia, Missouri, and surrounding areas to help you achieve excellent oral health and a beautiful smile. We are dedicated to helping you improve your oral health and quality of life, and we work with you to create individualized treatment plans that will meet your needs. Our office also provides sedation dentistry to help you feel at ease, and we work hard to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for you to enjoy. Give us a call today to make your appointment with our dentists and learn more!

What Our Patients Are Saying

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